
Showing posts from September, 2012

Get Me to the Church (Gym) on Time!

I get so many remarks regarding how early I go to the gym...and believe it or not, going at 5:30 a.m. is NOT my favorite time to go, I am not a fully functional, social person so early...BUT, going after working a full day is not going to happen, either because I feel tired, fed up with many other things to do or with living in Chicago, you gotta enjoy the beautiful afternoon weather instead! Getting to the church on time, requires a lot of prep work the day boyfriend helped me out with this since he is far better at being on time than I!  But essentially, when I get home from my work, I pretty much empty out any dirty laundry out of my gym suitcase, fill it with tomorrow's cute outfit, shoes and accessories, seal her back up and get her back into the trunk of my car! I also grab a quick outfit that I can wear at the gym the next morning and have that waiting for me on the bathroom counter so I can just grab it and throw it on.  I'm so not good at figuring ...

Beauty, Bird Banding and More!

Been busier than a bee here but working hard never hurt anyone, right? This weekend I had the opportunity to go with my Dad to the Sandbluff Bird Banding station in IL.  It's the first time getting there although I had talked about it for a couple of years now.  It's a station where they actually collect birds and put little bands on their legs that contain numbers for tracking.  In this way, they are able to track the birds' migrations and populations.  They offer training sessions once a season, and this weekend it took place...with my being there...yay!!  Not to mention, I'm now highly recommended to be volunteering somewhere as part of my Graduate Degree class called Environmental I made it (it's actually quite a far drive from my house)... Once there we learned how they collect birds in mist nets, they take the birds back to the station where they sit down and actually put the band on the bird, take various measurements (wing size, sex...